How to Multiply your Facebook brand page Likes

One of the measurable KPI’s for Facebook marketing is the number of ‘Likes’. More ‘Likes‘ translates to a deeper digital marketing penetration.

If you wish to expand your network and/or get a massive bang for your digital campaign/promotion, the reveal tab concept is definitely something you would want in your digital marketing arsenal. This concept is a must component for an integrated digital marketing strategy. The reveal tab reveals itself when the ‘Like’ button is clicked and the page changes to uncover a reward/promotion (think of a lotto scratch off ticket). The reward has to be genuine and made visible only after the ‘Like’ button is clicked.

The wins:

1. The user feels special and privileged and would likely continue to be engaged with your brand
2. The user becomes an insider (think of the early Frequent Flyer Card concept)
3. Increase in the conversion rate for campaigns
4. Massive increase in the number of ‘Likes’ to impress your boss

Give it a try. The FBML code is below. Just replace the Image Links and Source. Hint: I used Photobucket to store my images.