There is a vibrant stride underway for the application of AI in marketing. Brands who are adopting AI are engaging with customers in a way which they want. The brands have greater insight with data and user experience [UX] making conversations possible.

Google is on a ‘code red’ got caught basking in its search monopoly. They have called in the founders to weigh in on the & ChatGPT threat to their dominant position in search.

I/ we have been quietly mulling why searching on google is not a rapid process. It is best to anticipate customer needs, wants and the unidentified needs. ‘I/we’ are the customers in the image below. When I ask myself ‘how well am I served by google’ ? I would say – Not well at all. Google has woken up to a competitive threat rather than being in tune with the customer. Some of you may remember the browser ‘Netscape’ and how it was a threat to Microsoft. It led to a better browser. Well, we need a better search experience here. It is the smaller companies who innovate and seem to wake up the giants. That is a sad commentary for American technology innovation.

Testing ChatGPT3:

I searched for – ‘AI use cases for marketing in an essay’.

You be the judge of utilizing AI for content creation. A copy and paste may not be advisable. In conjunction adding your own content is an upgraded strategy. Unfortunately there is no emotion in the writing style (differentiates from human vs AI driven). Compensate for the ‘blah’ and robotic voice and tone.

  1. Predictive analytics: AI can be used to analyze customer data and predict future behavior, allowing marketers to target their campaigns more effectively and improve ROI.
  2. Personalization: AI can be used to personalize content and recommendations for individual customers, improving the customer experience and increasing engagement.
  3. Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can be used to provide 24/7 customer service and support, answering questions and helping customers navigate a website or app.
  4. Image and video recognition: AI can be used to analyze images and videos, for example, to automatically tag and classify visual content for better organization and searchability.
  5. Voice assistants: AI-powered voice assistants can be integrated into smart speakers and other devices to provide hands-free interaction with customers, allowing them to make purchases or get information quickly and easily.
  6. Social media monitoring: AI can be used to monitor social media for mentions of a brand or product, allowing marketers to respond quickly to customer feedback and complaints.
  7. Email marketing: AI can be used to analyze customer data and predict which customers are most likely to open and click on an email, allowing marketers to send targeted campaigns and improve their email marketing ROI.
  8. Campaign optimization: AI can be used to optimize ad campaigns in real-time, adjusting targeting, bid prices, and other parameters based on performance data to improve results.
  9. Fraud detection: AI can be used to detect fraudulent behavior, such as click fraud, in online advertising, helping to protect a company’s advertising budget.
  10. Content generation: AI can be used to generate new content, such as product descriptions or social media posts, saving time and effort for marketers.
  11. Ok good. What did you think ? Worth or not worth. The hoopla about school essay & AI manufactured content aside
  12. Seriously, the navigation has the potential to be a minimalist & frustration free search journey. With, stellar results it will be the bomb.
  13. We don’t really need semi-conducting to power up the speed of search. The flavors in this ice cream are good. In fact they are more than good. I can anticipate saving hours which I spend distilling ‘Google’ search results.

The next iteration of the search experience has begun. The battle of the giants it is. Google versus Microsoft. The alarm bells for a $160B search pie. I have a feeling we are going to be the beneficiaries in the end.

A simpler interface powered by AI aid coming delivering a laser focused singular search result

OpenAI’s opportunity is to narrow search to the most relevant response and save consumers the painful experience of scrolling and picking links to click on.

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